
Duck: Tony Chao

Art director | Fall 2014-Spring 2015

Tony Chao | Art director

Well, I suppose its pretty cool that I’m drawing my own duck. The duck is not really my animal of choice, but oh well, it’s tradition, right?

It’s been a pretty solid year working in The D.O. Although I wouldn’t go as far as saying that I’ll miss being in 744 Ostrom, or working on The D.O.’s illos, I think it’s generally been a pretty good time here, and the people have been cool enough that the 10 minutes each day I spend in the house is actually a pretty good time.

I think this is the part where I thank a bunch of people and write some random thoughts about them, so here goes:

Lara: Thanks for laughing at my scribbles every day and just being a chill person to work for in general.

Meredith: Thanks for not vetoing all my scribbles for offensive or politically incorrect materials

Mara and Lindsay: You guys make my drawings look good on the pages, thanks for that. You guys do a tremendous job.

Audrey: Wouldn’t have gotten through Sunday meetings without you.

Well, I think that’s about all the people in the house I talk/interact to, if I forgot anyone, it is not my fault. So for the rest of you, I’m sure you’re all cool people, good job making the paper run and Jesus, you guys work hard here.

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