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‘Remember the Titans’ – After football camp the players return to school. The subtitle states the date as September 4, 1971. This was a Saturday and could not have been the first day of school.

‘Stepmom’ – The song that Isabel (Julia Roberts) sings to Ben (Liam Aiken) in the hospital is ‘If I Needed You.’ It was recorded by Lyle Lovett on his 1998 album ‘Step Inside This House.’ Lyle and Julia were previously married.

‘Cider House Rules’ – The orphan that gets into the pie dough, eats all of it and is shown throwing up all over the orphanage is named Steerforth. Steerforth is the name of one of the characters in the Charles Dickens book ‘David Copperfield’ that Homer reads to the children in their bedroom.

‘Autumn In New York’ – When Charlotte (Winona Ryder) is ice skating, Will (Richard Gere) says ‘The judges give it a 10! A perfect 10!’ At the time the film was made, a perfect score in figure skating was 6.0 – gymnastics is the sport where 10 is a perfect score.

‘Meet the Parents’ – When the urn with Jack’s mother’s remains breaks, Mr. Jinks, the cat, runs and urinates on the ashes. In ‘The Untouchables’ (1987), Robert De Niro, as Al Capone, says he wanted Eliot Ness dead so he could go to his house in the middle of the night and ‘piss on his ashes.’

Information gathered from (International Movie Database.)

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