Internet Corner:

Skype.comFree Internet phone service

If you’re a junior – or friends with a junior – spring semester has got some serious downfalls. While it’s the most popular time for globetrotting abroad, this also makes it more difficult to keep in touch with your friends. Because seriously, who wants to pay international phone bills? has got the solution, reducing your international phone bill to $0. The free download allows users to make calls from their computers using a unique phone number. Talking directly into your computer does take some getting used to, but it’s definitely worth the money you’ll save each month. Skype users can place free calls other Skype users’ computers and make conference calls, and pay a rate of around 2 cents a minute to call land lines with SkypeOut. Bet you never thought you’d be able to talk to your friend in Hong Kong and your friend in London at the exact same time for free.

Getting started is simple; just download the right program for your platform (Mac, Windows, Linux or Pocket PC), register, install, plug in your headset, speakers or USB phone and start calling your friends. Now all that’s left is remembering time zone differences.

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