Internet Corner: Urbandictionary

If Syracuse University is far from your hometown, you may have a little trouble describing it – and the city of Syracuse – to your high school friends. Well, fear not. is here to help. Providing uncommon definitions for such common phrases as ‘duck’ (an underage girl, typically in a sexual context – see ‘loli’) and ‘calcium’ (old, old, OLD person – so old, they’re completely calcified; see also ‘fossil’), Urbandictionary aims to edumacate even the hippest of cats. Users can add and edit their own definitions of each word, creating something that’s probably more of an urban-suburban-hick country-dweller dictionary. But you know, potato, potahto.

So the next time you’re on the phone with Aunt Lil’, whip out some of these classic Syracuse descriptions, found on the site:

‘It aint much, but it’s home … also the weather is nice. :P’

‘Otherwise known as Sewerpukes, it is a wonderful union of dumpster and sewer, but it’s better than Buffalo.’

‘A shitty city, but at least our boys can play basketball (sometimes. Da ‘Cuse is in the house, ohmagawd, ohmagawd).’

‘The BEST city in CENTRAL NY!!! Everyone gets WASTED in SYRACUSE.’

Feel free to edit depending on relative.

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